60) Kitenberga, M., Elferts, D., Adamovics, A., Katrevics, J., Donis, J., Baders, E., Jansons, A., 2020. Effect of salvage logging and forest type on the post-fire regeneration of Scots pine in hemiboreal forests. New Forests, DOI: 10.1007/s11056-020-09775-5 (link)

59) Krams, I.A., Luoto, S., Krama, T., Krams, R., Sieving, K., Trakimas, G., Elferts, D., Rantala M.J., Goodale, E., 2020. Egalitarian mixed-species bird groups enhance winter survival of subordinate group members but only in high-quality forests. Scientific Reports, 10: 4005. (pdf)

58) Krisans, O., Matisons, R., Rust, S., Burnevica, N., Bruna, L., Elferts, D., Kalvane, L., Jansons, A., 2020. Presence of root rot reduces stability of Norway spruce (Picea abies): Results of static pulling tests in Latvia. Forests, 11: 416.(pdf)

57) Krisans, O., Saleniece, R., Rust, S., Elferts, D., Kapostins, R., Jansons, A., Matisons, R., 2020. Effect of Bark-Stripping on Mechanical Stability of Norway Spruce. Forests 2020, 11, 357. (pdf)

56) Luguza, S., Snepsts, G., Donis, J., Desaine, I., Baders, E., Kitenberga, M., Elferts, D., Jansons, A., 2020. Advance Regeneration of Norway Spruce and Scots Pine in Hemiboreal Forests in Latvia. Forests, 11: 215. (pdf)

55) Matisons, R., Gärtner, H., Elferts, D., Kārkliņa, A., Adamovičs, A., Jansons, Ā., 2020. Occurrence of ‘blue’ and ‘frost’ rings reveals frost sensitivity of eastern Baltic procenances of Scots pine. Forest Ecology and Management, 457:117729. (link)

54) Snepsts, G., Kitenberga, M., Elferts, D., Donis, J., Jansons, A., 2020. Stem damage modifies the impact of wind on Norway spruces. Forests, 11: 463. (pdf)


53) Brūmelis, G., Artistova, A., Elferts, D., Kasparinskis, R., Nikodemus, O., Amatniece, V., Rendenieks, Z., 2019. Effects of stand-level and landscape factors on understorey plant community traits in broad-leaved forest of the boreo-nemoral zone in Latvia. Forest Ecology and Management, 434: 264-278. (link)

52) Kitenberga, M., Drobyshev, I., Elferts, D., Matisons, R., Adamovics, A., Katrevics, J., Niklasson, M., Jansons, A., 2019. A mixture of human and climatic effects shapes the 250-year long fire history of a semi-natural pine dominated landscape of Northern Latvia. Forest Ecology and Management, 441: 192–201. (link)

51) Krams, I., Luoto, S., Rubika, A., Krama, T., Elferts, D., Krams, R., Kecko, S., Skrinda, I., Moore, F.R., Rantala, M.J., 2019. A head start for life history development? Family income mediates associations between height and immune response in men. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 168: 421-427. (link)

50) Matisons, R., Jansone, D., Elferts, D., Adamovičs, A., Schneck, V., Jansons, Ā., 2019. Plasticity of response of tree-ring width of Scots pine provenances to weather extremes in Latvia. Dendrochronologia, DOI: 10.1016/j.dendro.2019.01.002 (link)

49) Rendenieks, Z., Brumelis, G., Nikodemus, O., Elferts, D., 2019. Geographic determinants of spatial patterns of Quercus robur forest stands in Latvia: biophysical conditions and past management. iForest, 12: 349-356. (pdf)

48) Terentjeva, M., Streikiša, M., Avsejenko, J., Trofimova, J., Kovaļenko, K., Elferts, D., Bērziņš, A., 2019. Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp. and the major foodborne pathogens in calves in Latvia. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 16: 35-41. (link)

47) Trakimas, G., Krams, R., Krama, T., Kortet, R., Haque, S., Luoto, S., Eichler, I.S., Butler, D.M., Jõers, P., Hawlena, D., Rantala, M.J., Elferts, D., Contreras-Garduño, J., Krams, I., 2019. Ecological stoichiometry: a link between developmental speed and physiological stress in an omnivorous insect. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13:42. (link)


46) Bāders, E., Jansons, Ā., Matisons, R., Elferts, D., Desaine, I., 2018. Landscape diversity for reduced risk of insect damage: a case study of spruce bud scale in Latvia. Forests, 9 (545): 1-15. (pdf)

45) Krams, I., Trakimas, G., Kecko, S., Elferts, D., Krams, R., Luoto, S., Rantala, M.J., Mänd, M., Kuusik, A., Kekäläinen, J., Jõers, P., Kortet, R., Krama, T., 2018. Linking organismal growth, coping styles, stress reactivity, and metabolism via responses against a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor in an insect. Scientific Reports, 8:8599:1-12. (pdf)

44) Krūmiņa, A., Pliss, L., Zariņa, G., Puzuka, A., Zariņa, A., Lāce, B., Elferts, D., Khrunin, A., Limborska, S., Kloviņš, J., Gailīte, L., 2018. Population genetics of Latvians in the context of admixture between north-eastern European ethnic groups. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Science. Section B, 72 (2): 131-151. (pdf)

43) Ķēniņa, L., Elferts, D., Bāders, E., Jansons, Ā., 2018. Carbon pools in a hemiboreal over-mature Norway spruce stands. Forests, 9 (435): 1:10. (pdf)

42) Poikane, S., Portielje, R., Denys, L., Elferts, D., Kelly, M., Kolada, A., Mäemets, H., Phillips, G., Søndergaard, M., Wilblby, N., van der Berg, M.S., 2018. Macrophyte assessment in European lakes: diverse approaches but convergent views of ‘good’ ecological status. Ecological Indicators, 94: 185-197. (link)

41) Robalte, L., Jansone, D., Elferts, D., Matisons, R., Jansons, Ā., 2018. Bilberry ramet dimensions in relation to stand age in oligotrophic conditions in Latvia. Silva Fennica, 52: 9899. (pdf)

40) Vinogradovs, I., Nikodemus, O., Elferts, D., Brūmelis, G., 2018. Assessment of site-specific drivers of farmland abandonment in mosaic-type landscapes: A case study in Vidzeme, Latvia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 253: 113-121. (link)


39) Apsīte, E., Nikodemus, O., Brūmelis, G., Lagzdiņš, A., Elferts, D., Rendenieks, Z., Klints, L., 2017. Impact of climate variability, drainage and land-cover changes on hemiboreal streamflow. Hydrological Science Journal, 62: 2558-2570. (link)

38) Brūmelis, G., Ikauniece, S., Voiceščuka, A., Artistova, A., Treimane, A., Dauškane, I., elferts, D., Tjarve, D., 2017. Tree regeneration in noble broadleaved tree stands at their northern limit: implications for conservation management. Environmental and Experimental Biology, 15: 275-282. (pdf)

37) Brūmelis, G., Oļehnoviča, E., šūba, U., Treimane, A., Inne, S., Zviedre, E., Elferts, D., Dakša, M., Tjarve, D., 2017. Bryophute and polypore richness and indicators in relation to type, age and decay stage of coarse woody debris of Picea abies. Environmental and Experimental Biology, 15: 95-103. (pdf)

36) Cirule, D., Krama, T., Krams, R., Elferts, D., Kaasik, A., Rantala, M.J., Mierauskas, P., Luoto, S., Krams I.A., 2017. Habitat quality affects stress responses and survival in a bird wintering under extremely low ambient temperatures.The Science of Nature, 104 (99): 1:13. (link)

35) Kecko, S., Mihailova, A., Kangassalo, K., Elferts, D., Krama, T., Krams, R., Luoto, S., Rantala, M. J. and Krams, I. A., 2017. Sex-specific compensatory growth in the larvae of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30: 1910-1918. (link)

34) Krams, I., Kecko, S., Inashkina, I., Trakimas, G., Krams, R., Elferts, D., Vrublevska, J., Jõers, P., Rantala, M. J., Luoto, S., Contreras-Garduño, J., Jankevica, L., Meija, L., Krama, T., 2017. Food quality affects the expression of antimicrobial peptide genes upon simulated parasite attack in the larvae of greater wax moth. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, doi:10.1111/eea.12629. (link)

33) Krams, I.A., Kecko, S., Jõers, P., Trakimas, G., Elferts, D., Krams, R., Luoto, S., Rantala, M.J., Inashkina, I., Gudrā, D., Fridmanis, D., Contreras-Garduño, J., Grantiņa-Ieviņa, L., Krama, T., 2017. Microbiome symbionts and diet diversity incur costs on the immune system of insect larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology, doi:10.1242/jeb.169227 (link)

32) Krams, I.A., Rumvolt, K., Saks, L., Krams, R., Elferts, D., Vrublevska, J., Rantala, M.J., Kecko, S., Cīrule, D., Luoto, S., Krama, T., 2017. Reproduction compromises adaptive immunity in a cyprinid fish. Ecological Research, 32: 559-566. (link)


31) Apsīte, E., Elferts, D., Latkovska, I., 2016. Long-term changes of Daugava River ice phenology under the impact of the cascade of hydro power plants. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Science. Section B, 70 (2): 71-77. (pdf)

30) Igumnova, V., Capligina, V., Krams, A., Cirule, A., Elferts, D., Pole, I., Jansone, I., Bandere, D., Ranka, R., 2016. Genotype and allele frequencies of isoniazid-metabolizing enzymes NAT2 and GSTM1 in Latvian tuberculosis patients. Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, 22 (7): 472-477. DOI: 10.1016/j.jiac.2016.04.003. (link)

29) Kokarēviča, I., Brumelis, G., Kasparinskis, R., Rolava, A., Nikodemus, O., Grods, J., Elferts, D., 2016. Vegetation changes in boreo-nemoral forest stands depending on soil factors and past land-use during an 80-year period of no human impact. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46: 376-386. (link)

28) Latkovska, I., Apsīte, E., Elferts, D., 2016. Long-term changes of the ice regime of rivers in Latvia. Hydrology research, 47 (4): 782:798 DOI: 10.2166/nh.2016.012 (link)

27) Livdāne, L., Putnis, I., Rubene, G., Elferts, D., Ikauniece, A., 2016. Baltic herring prey selectively on older copepodites of Eurytemora affinis and Limnocalanus macrurus in the Gulf of Riga. Oceanologia, 58: 46-53. (pdf)

26) Ustups, D., Bergstrom, U., Florin, A.B., Kruze, E., Zilniece, D., Elferts, D., Knospina, E., Uzars, D., 2016. Diet overlap between juvenile flatfish and the invasive round goby in the central Baltic Sea. Journal of Sea Research, 107(1): 121-129. (link)

25) Vinogradovs, I., Nikodemus, O., Tabors, G., Krūze, I., Elferts, D., 2016. Assessment of factors of landscape change in mosaic type landscape: a case study of Vidzeme, Latvia. Environmental protection engineering, 19: 212-217. (pdf)


24) Krumme, U., Grinvalds, K., Zagars, M., Elferts, D., Ikejima, K., Tongnunui, P., 2015. Tidal, diel and lunar patterns in intertidal and subtidal mangrove creek fish assemblages from southwest Thailand. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 98: 1671-1693.(link)

23) Liepiņa, L., Dimbiere, A., Laime, B., Tjarve, D., Elferts, D., Tabors, G., Brūmelis, G., 2015. Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in roots of sand dune plants in relation to soil factors. Environmental and Experimental Biology, 13: 139-145. (pdf)

22) Plikshs M., Hinrichsen H.-H., Elferts D., Sics I., Kornilovs G., Köster F.W. 2015. Reproduction of Baltic cod, Gadus morhua (Actinopterygii: Gadiformes: Gadidae), in the Gotland Basin: Causes of annual variability. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat. 45 (3): 247–258. (pdf)

21) Zole, E., Elferts, D., Kimsis, J., Krumina, A., Narels, K., Pole, I., Ranka, R., Pliss, L., 2015. Comparison of telomere length between population-specific mitochondrial haplogroups among different age groups in a Latvian population. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 145: 13-17. (link)


20) Apsīte, E., Elferts, D., Zubaničs, A., Latkovska, I., 2014. Long-term changes in hydrological regime of the lakes in Latvia. Hydrology Research, 45: 308-321. (link)

19) Dirnena, I., Dimanta, I., Gruduls, A., Kleperis, J., Elferts, D., Nikolajeva, V., 2014. Influence of the initial acidification step on the biogas production and composition. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemestry, 61: 316-321.(link)


18) Apsīte, E., Rudlapa, I., Latkovska, I., Elferts, D., 2013. Changes in Latvian river discharge regime at the turn of the century. Hydrology Research, 44: 554-569.(link)

17) Matisons, R., Elferts, D., Brūmelis, G., 2013. Possible signs of growth decline of pedunculate oak in Latvia during 1980-2009 in tree-ring width and vessel size. Baltic Forestry, 19: 137-142. (pdf)

16) Matisons, R., Elferts, D., Brūmelis, G., 2013. Pointer years in tree-ring width and earlywood-vessel area time series of Quercus robur – Relation with climate factors near its northern distribution limit. Dendrochronologia, 31: 129-139. (link)


15) Elferts, D., Jansons, Ā., 2012. Response of Scots pine radial growth to past and future climate change in Latvia. In: Kļaviņš, M., Briede, A. (eds.) Climate change in Latvia and adaptation to it. University of Latvia, Rīga. 134-145. (pdf)

14) Latkovska, I. Apsīte, E., Elferts, D., Kurpniece, L., 2012. Forecasted changes in the climate and the river runoff regime in Latvian river basins. Baltica, 25: 143-152. (pdf)

13) Latkovska, I. Apsīte, E., Kurpniece, L., Elferts, D., 2012. Changes in climate and discharge regime in Latvia at the end of the 21th century. In: Kļaviņš, M., Briede, A. (eds.) Climate change in Latvia and adaptation to it. University of Latvia, Rīga. 119-133.

12) Matisons, R., Elferts, D., Brūmelis, G., 2012. Changes in climatic signals of English oak tree-ring width and cross-section area of earlywood vessels in Latvia during the period 1900-2009. Forest ecology and management, 279:34-44. (link)

11) Robalte, L., Matisons, R., Elferts, D., Brūmelis, G., 2012. Natural structures and disturbances in an old growth wet Norway spruce forest in the nature reserve Gruzdovas meži, Latvia. Environmental and Experimental Biology, 10: 81-87. (pdf)


10) Apsīte, E., Bakute, A., Elferts, D., Kurpniece, L., Pallo, I., 2011. Climate change impacts on river runoff in Latvia. Climate Research, 48: 57-71 (pdf)

9) Dauškane, I., Brūmelis, G., Elferts, D., 2011. Effect of climate on extreme radial growth of Scots pine growing on bogs in Latvia. Estonian Journal of Ecology, 60:236-248. (pdf)

8) Dauškane, I., Elferts, D., 2011. The influence of climate on Scots pine growth on dry and wet soils near Lake Engure in Latvia. Estonian Journal of Ecology, 60: 225-235. (pdf)

7) Elferts, D., Dauškane, I., Ūsele, G., Treimane, A., 2011. Effect of water level and climatic factors on the radial growth of black alder. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Science. Section B, 65: 164-169.(pdf)

6) Melecis, V., Krisjane, Z., Klavins, M., Aigars, J., Elferts, D., Viksne, J., 2011. Preliminary characteristics of ecological and socioeconomic components and their interaction within the long term socioecological research platform of Latvia. Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies, 7: 87-92. (pdf)

5) Pliss, L., Brakmanis, A., Ranka, R., Elferts, D., Krumina, A., Baumanis, V., 2011. The link between mitochondrial DNA hypervariable segment I heteroplasmy and ageing among genetically unrelated Latvians. Experimental Gerontology, 46: 560-568. (link)


4) Zunde, M., Briede, A., Elferts, D., 2008. The influence of climatic factors on the radial growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in Western Latvia. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Science. Section B, 62 (3): 120-128. (pdf)


3) Elferts, D. 2007. Scots pine pointer-years in northwestern Latvia and their relationship with climatic factors. Acta Universitatis Latviensis, 723 : 163-170. (pdf)

2) Elferts, D., 2007. The influence of climatic factors on the radial growth of the Scots pine on a dune island of Raganas Mire. In: Kļaviņs, M. (ed.) Climate change in Latvia. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, Rīga: 186-192. (pdf)


1) Brumelis, G., Elferts, D., Liepina, L., Luce, I., Tabors, G., Tjarve, D. 2005. Age and spatial structure of natural Pinus sylvestris stands in Latvia. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 20 (6): 471-480. (link)